Friday, 27 January 2017

Responsive manager header menu

Following on from the previous blog post, I wanted to demonstrate the new manager header menu and here it is;

You can see a new menu at the top right of the screen (which will drop below the 'Mystify Soccer' title on mobile devices).

This is going to contain various bits of information in what I feel is a better format to the way that the current site does it.

There will be a 'Status' menu that will show the current season/week and the date of the next matches. The notifications will warn you if you haven't selected a team or let you know of any transfer/loan requests that are still being waited for. There will also be a 'mail' menu that will show unread mail messages and, finally, there will be a menu to access your account details and sign out of the site.

I have completed all of this menu except for the mail drop down aspects which I hope to do over the next few days.

Once done, I will be looking at bringing in the current site pages (and we'll see how they look)!

New responsive layout

I haven't posted on this blog for a while because development has been a bit lax.

However, with my recent decision to try and focus on it a bit more, I'm hoping to revive this blog as I do different stages of the development but we'll see how my life gets on.

I need somewhere to note down my thoughts as to where I am currently at anyway.

The current state of play is that the site needs to become mobile friendly and more future proof so that aspects (new functionality) can be easier to implement.

My current plan is that I change the outer shell of the site and then work through the pages afterwards so once launched, the menu/header/footer will scroll and resize nicely but the actual page content may end up stretching pages or looking a bit odd. I'll then work through the pages as and when I get chance to make them all look and flow better for mobile devices..

Once this has been done and looks are OK - I want to improve functionality so that users get a better experience. Then I can look at improving the ganeral game.

The one caveat to the outer shell update is that I also need to do the home page and login page alongside it.

So then, here is the current layout for users who aren't signed into the site;

This then scales to a mobile phone like such;

There are differing sizes in between too for tablets and various other screen sizes.

The above, of course are for managers not signed into the site.

Once signed in, there is an extra section at the top of the site which is for notifications. I will aim to give more information on that on my next blog post.